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  • Writer's pictureRyan Farquharson

Jaws Concept Ideation

Jaws is an incredible movie of its time, one of the reasons being the utilization of the fear factor, limiting the presence of the shark. Later movies involving killer sharks look to the shock factor of emphasizing the sharks, their size, and their capabilities. The Meg was able to frighten the audience with it's sheer size, and calm demeanor despite being amongst a large group of people. While both styles work to create an effective scare, I started thinking what it would be like if the original Jaws movie was filmed in this time period, and how to have it appeal to this generation. I decided to explore the idea of dynamic camera movement. While the slow moving and still shots help to build tension, having a shot that shows the open ocean and the situation the woman is in helps to instill a larger level of fear. Additionally, I felt the perspective shot they included was rather messy, so having one that matches the movement further immerses us into the world.

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